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Showing posts from October, 2013

Precisely?! (Der Schauende)

This will not be news to those of you who had a decent mathematical education, but it was to me. After 51 years, thanks to Sean's science homework, I've just learned that there is a difference between precision and accuracy . Really, I had no idea... (Accuracy, it seems, is only for realists: but even relativists can be—relatively—precise.) Now for some catch-up. (Same series, though mine is an earlier edition) A few months ago, I picked off the shelf a copy of Rilke's ' Der augewählten Gedichte, anderer Teil . (I don't have the erster Teil , unfortunately). This undated Insel Verlag edition was published in Leipzig, either just before or during the War, judging from the cover, and must have belonged to my uncle Kenneth, as do all of the few decent German books I now possess—including an early copy of Hermann Paul's Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte , the translation of which will be on my to-do list, probably for ever. It won't happen today, tha...

Better, Beta (Perfect skin)

Click to play ( Click for lyrics ) A good blog piece is like a good piece of pop music: essentially trivial, it still contains just enough wit and glimpses of interest to keep the reader coming back. The main difference is that you cannot always rely on a catchy tune to save the day (unless you click to play!): a few cute pictures must needs go, that the devil drives. With this thought, but accompanied by the excellent Mr Lloyd Cole (1984, 2011), I announce a return to Devenish... I have really no idea what has kept readers coming back to a blog that has lain dormant for three months or more: in the last month this blog has received nearly 300 hits: in its heyday, it never exceeded 700. Go figure, whether this is good or bad news, whether I should bother. At all. events, I really appreciate those returning visitors, wherever and whyever you are... this is for you. 'Shame on you, you've got no sense of grace, shame on me ah just in case I might come to a conclusion oth...