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Showing posts from July, 2013

Whole Life Tariff (George Collins)

I just wondered... Click to play " Whole-life jail terms without the possibility of review amount to a breach of human rights, European judges have ruled . The European Court of Human Rights has said that the sentences amount to inhuman and degrading treatment of prisoners, after an appeal by convicted killers Jeremy Bamber, Douglas Vinter and Peter Moore." This just and humane decision handed down by the ECHR, and decried by the British tabloids, leaves me with only one question: why are convicted murderers and terrorists treated more leniently under the law than parents, whose love condemns them to life without the slightest possibility of parole?

Still life (Träumerei/All along the watchtower)

Click to pl a y "Do muß doch irjendwo 'ne Usswääsch sinn", säät dä Hofnarr zo dämm Dieb." ... Rare group picture—thanks to our American guest Ariane Wolf, of whom very sadly we have no good photos—complemented by an equally rare (indeed unobtainable) piece of music: Wolfgang Niedecken's version of Dylan's All along the Watchtower , which I came across the other day. We are all so pleased that she came.