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Showing posts from November, 2013

More than I'll ever know?

Even before reading this article earlier this morning, I'd been worried about ignorance of different kinds. It started with my sharing on Facebook an article (that was shared with me) about a mother in Waco, Texas, who dramatically removed herself and her children from a guest lecture given by Bill Nye, "The Science Guy", when he asserted—contrary to fundamentalist Christian doctrine—something that most people have surmised for centuries: that the Moon does not itself emit any light, but merely reflects the light of the Sun. "We believe in God" she is supposed to have declared, as non-sequitur justification for her protest-ant departure. My Facebook friends' reactions to this news story, which had come to me via an activist-atheist website , ranged from the smug "Waco, where else?!" to the defensive-sarcastic "of course, [you think] all Christians are stupid, right?" Whatever the agenda of the website on which this piece was posted...